Denise Montoya
Denise Montoya
Lesson Horses
Lesson Horses


Buddy was given to us as a gift. He was one of two horses that was being tried out by a client to be a husband horse but didn't end up making the cut.
Buddy is a right brain extrovert with a tendency to freeze when asked to do to many things at once. He needs constant reassuring or a "buddy" to go along with him or he might just explode.
You need to be patient with him or he won't trust you. He can be quite challenging if you haven't worked with high strung horses.
With the proper handling and consistency he is very sweet and willing but is more confident with a confident leader. In the years that he's been in my program he has grown to be more tolerant and does quite well with beginners now.

Photo Credit: Emma Sheppard

Kash is, was and always will be my dreamhorse! He was bought as a gift for my program when I was starting lessonswithdenise.com.
I had just been assaulted and later fired for filing a police report. I had decided it was high time for me to start my own business "offically".
Kash wasn't started until he was six so he was allowed to grow and mature correctly. We got him with less than 60 hours under saddle. So he was beautiful and crazy, I mean "green".
Kash is a left brain extrovert and in the wrong hands would be quite a handful as he is not only very big he also has a tendency to be naughty.


When Lobo was given to us he was overweight and lame. With the proper rest he recovered quite well and he is now our best lesson horse.
He is very sweet and a favorite around the barn. He has been in our program the longest. He is well behaved but will try to push limits all the time.
He is a Left-Brain Extrovert and is very curious and mischievous at times but he is worth more than his weight in gold! Sweetest horse I've ever known, with people anyhow!

The Doctor
The Doctor

The Doctor ((must say with a British accent!!!) any #whovianns out there...)
Was a gift to the program. He used to teach kids how to jump in a previous life but now just teaches them how to drive better.
He has been used for lessons with small children and for horsemanship classes. He is a Right-Brain Introvert he needs clarification and direction. Consistency is key with this guy.