Denise Montoya
Denise Montoya

Summer Horse Experience
In my lessons program, I aim to teach proficiency in catching, grooming, hand walking, tacking up, lunging, and riding a horse without assistance or supervision.
In this summer experience you will learn how to catch, halter, groom and lunge a horse on a line and in the round pen. You will be taught how to communicate with the horse and affect a change in direction by understanding body placement and non-verbal communication with the horse. These advanced horsemanship shills will be taught and include a 1 hour private riding lesson of your choice English or Western style, this will happen every day throughout the week.
You will be taught how to competently lead a horse through objects, over objects and through patterns. You will be able to recognizes potentially unsafe or hazardous circumstances both mounted and un-mounted. You will be able to tolerate unexpected changes in horses behavior. At the end of the week everyone will have the opportunity of experiencing bareback riding on a leadline.

Monday- Friday 9:00am- 3:00 pm
Price negotiable depending on circumstances
Ages 10-Adult
Weeks Available
If interested please text/email the week you would like to reserve
#1: June 3-7
#2: June 10-14
#3: June 17-21
#4: June 24-28*
#5: July 1- 5
#6: July 8-12
#7: July 15-19
#8: July 22-26*
#9: July 29-Aug 2
#10: Aug 5-9
#11: Aug 12-16
Daily Activities
Monday-Friday: 9:00 am-Noon Activites
Noon – 1:00pm- Lunch
1:00pm – 2:45 Activities
3:00 pm pick up
When everyone has arrived we go and meet the horses being used for the day. Play name game to get to know each other. Go over rules and expectations, Spend time fitting proper sized helmet to each student and making sure they fit properly and are adjusted correctly. We will clean stalls then catch horses, groom and learn the difference between a Western and English saddle and bridles while tacking up the horse. We will begin with some ground work basic handling skills and we will practice safe handling and hand walking the horse in the arena. Students will have their private lesson during the course of the day.
Tuesday- Friday: 9:00 am-Noon Activites
Noon – 1:00pm- Lunch
1:00pm – 2:45 Activities
3:00 pm pick up
We will clean stalls then catch horses, groom and tack up. We will progress with ground work basic handling skills and we will practice safe handling and hand walking the horse in the arena. We will progressively learn to set up ground poles and obstacle courses and proceed to lead our horses through, around and over these courses. Students will be taught time management skills to successfully be able to set up, exercise and tear down while leaving time for grooming and caring for health and welfare of the horse.